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Superfoods with Barney Mauleverer, co-founder of I Am Super

9 August 2016 | By New Food

Following on from our article last week introducing the innovative I Am Super Grains product, this week we have an exclusive interview with founder Barney Mauleverer to discuss the intricacies of the product, new deals on the horizon and the future of the brand. 

Little Herds: a company sharing the joy of edible insects

11 July 2016 | By Victoria White, Digital Content Producer

Could edible insects be the answer to feeding a global population expected to hit 9 billion by 2050? New Food caught up with Robert Nathan Allen, founder of Little Herds, to find out...

Food Safety supplement 2016

30 June 2016 | By New Food

In our Food Safety supplement: Phages and the control of bacteria in food; Biofilms - formation and control strategies for the dairy industry; Hygienic Design – how to comply with it from a food manufacturer’s perspective? And much more...

Ingredients supplement 2016

30 June 2016 | By New Food

In this Ingredients supplement: Functional lipids in beverage products; Hemp – superfood; The science of flavour; IFT 2016 show preview...

Functional lipids in beverage products

30 June 2016 | By Guillermo E. Napolitano, PhD, Expert Scientist, Nestlé Development Center

The last decade has witnessed an extraordinary surge in the development of beverage products containing healthier oils and nutritionally active lipid ingredients. There has been a significant shift from the use of relatively unhealthy, but chemically stable, fats rich in saturated and trans fatty acids (TFA), to healthy and chemically…

Not sweet enough

28 June 2016 | By Barbara Mason, Partnership Manager, Food Advanced Training Partnership

In this blog piece, Barbara Mason of the Food Advanced Training Partnership discusses the sugar vs sweetener debate...