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Edible seaweed: A closer look…

10 October 2016 | By Roy Manuell, Digital Content Producer

New Food takes a closer look at the health benefits of edible seaweed with a cool, new infographic. Rich in protein, fibre and crucially iodine, there seem to be many reasons why you should try edible seaweed...

Supercritical fluid extraction and application of bioactive ingredients from plant materials

9 October 2016 | By , ,

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) technology is a green technology that offers an alternative to conventional solvent extraction technology.1 Having less impact on the environment it also meets consumer demand for safe, natural and high quality ingredients. More and more industries are using SFE technology and are reported to have market…

Kin Vodka, a toffee-tinged taste of innovation

4 October 2016 | By Roy Manuell, Digital Content Producer

To celebrate National Vodka Day, we asked the creator of the innovative, Lake District-based brand Kin Vodka, to describe what makes her product special...

A closer look at… GBBO Week #6: Flower power

29 September 2016 | By Roy Manuell, Digital Content Producer

New Food decides to delve deeper into the phenomenon of edible flowers and how culinary culture can integrate botanical innovation...

Oktoberfest in numbers: A beautiful excess

26 September 2016 | By Roy Manuell, Digital Content Producer

To celebrate the last week of the world famous beer bonanza, New Food continues its coverage of Oktoberfest taking a look at the festival in numbers...

Why I hate Heston: Sue Nelson takes on the culinary wizard

20 September 2016 | By New Food

Sue Nelson hates Heston Blumenthal. Well, she doesn’t really hate him – he’s probably a very nice man – but she despises his gastronomic gadgetry and gizmos, because they’re killing the national passion that is great cookery...

5 reasons why Oktoberfest and craft beer will never get along

19 September 2016 | By Roy Manuell, Digital Content Producer

Oktoberfest, kicked off September 17 last week and to celebrate, New Food will look at why the emerging craft beer, particularly prominent in the US, will never truly be welcomed in Munich...