
New Food Issue #5 2020

Posted: 26 October 2020 | | 1 comment

Issue 5 2020 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on food safety, brewing & beverages, ingredients and our Cannabis Testing Supplement…

Cover NF5

Amidst the pandemic, some interesting trends have emerged; and within the food and drink segment, two words come to mind: sustainability and health. Admittedly, this impetus joined a movement that was already strong, with consumers becoming ever more mindful of their food packaging, waste and nutrition, and the industry responding in innovative and sometimes quirky ways.

Included in this edition:

    The bee’s knees – Peter Awram highlights the benefits of magnetic resonance testing to help prevent honey fraud.
    Reading between the wines – Helena Nicklin shares her insight on what makes an excellent wine, and present and future trends.
    By gum! – Could karaya gum be the solution to consumers’ calls for organic and sustainable products?
    The Radiokitchen: understanding chemical reactions during food processing.
    Advances in food testing – A look at SGS’s Competence Center for Molecular Biology.

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One response to “New Food Issue #5 2020”

  1. veronica gilbert says:

    Hello there, very useful article to know especially in this novel corona virus pandemic season.. Thanks for sharing!!

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