
New Food Issue 4 2020

Posted: 19 August 2020 | | No comments yet

Issue 4 2020 of New Food is available to read online, featuring stories on food safety, ingredients, dairy and our Guide To Testing supplement…

nf iSSUE #4

How long do you look at a food label for? Perhaps a few seconds, a minute or maybe you don’t bother at all? For those with food hypersensitivity reading the label is a necessity and can take around three to five minutes per item.

Although I am familiar with reading labels (suffering with mild food intolerances myself), I cannot imagine the stress a food shop could potentially cause one with severe allergies.

Included in this edition:

    Food we can trust – making it happen again
    Sowing the seeds of a dairy revival
    Microalgae: food of the future?
    Living in fear
    From food laboratory to corona test centre

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