
A chance to hear what leading food industry figures think of Brexit – right on parliament’s doorstep

Posted: 20 October 2017 | | No comments yet

New Food is bringing together a host of experts from all over the industry in the heart of London to outline where they think Brexit is headed.


BREXIT BRITAIN: The future for the food industry

Time is a luxury the UK food industry does not have when faced with Brexit, and it is taking the debate directly to Westminster. Key business leaders, authorities, academics and legislators will gather at a dedicated Food Brexit conference on October 31 at QEII Centre, on the doorstep of the UK parliament, to voice their concerns, identify the main challenges and coordinate a response.

Food Brexit aims to be a much-needed springboard for all stakeholders – consumers, businesses, governments, press and research bodies – to continue the conversation in a positive, constructive environment. The event’s primary goal is to help shape the imminent exit of the UK from the EU.


“With the clock ticking, industry must take every opportunity to develop a cohesive road map, with cross-sector support, which will be vital for our industry. Food Brexit covers many key areas to assist companies in putting together these road maps,” states Katie Doherty, Policy Director at The International Meat Trade Association, and session panellist.

Speakers and panellists include:

  • Broadcaster John Pienaar (Conference Chairman)
  • Meurig Raymond, President of the NFU
  • Lord Robin Teverson, Chairman of the House of Lords Select Committee on EU Food & Agriculture
  • Archie Gibson, Chairman of the Scottish Food & Drink Federation

And many more. To see full programme, click here.

It is hoped that the mix of interactive panel discussions led by food experts and case studies from across the supply chain, will create lively debate and advance the Brexit agenda for the food and beverage sector.

“We all know there are uncertainties ahead, we hear about that every day in the news,’ states Charlie Kortens, Editor of New Food Magazine, organisers of Food Brexit. “What the industry and government needs to focus on now is to seek and agree solutions, together, and coordinate the debate. The time for action is now and we hope this conference, taking place a stone’s throw away from the seat of the UK government, will send a message and help the food industry to achieve a successful Brexit, whatever shape that may take.”

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