
Application Note Supplement – July 2021

Posted: 18 June 2021 | | No comments yet

Welcome to New Food’s July 2021 Application Notes supplement.

Application Notes – June 2021

In our latest application note Thermo Fisher Scientific explores how contaminants in the eluent water can impact HPLC performance, the analysis of underivatised amino acids in wines, and automated DNA extraction for food species screening and identification.

New Food also finds out how Allied Scientific Pro’s handheld spectrophotometer and PC-operated cloud system works and what benefits await users. While WITec explains how Raman imaging chemically characterises food samples, including particulate baking ingredients as well as butter and frostings.

You can also read Elementar’s report on the pros and cons of IRMS and NMR when it comes to the best tool for seeking out honey fraud, and find out the benefits of testing labs using automated standard preparation, as told by experts from Mettler Toledo.

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