
European craft distillers call for support in campaign

Posted: 9 February 2023 | | No comments yet

Seeking changes from the EU and national Governments, spiritsEUROPE have launched a campaign called #SpiritsVoices to gain support for the industry.

craft distillers

European craft distillers are making their voices heard by calling on the European Union (EU) and national Governments to support their recent efforts.

As part of a new campaign called #SpiritsVoices, spiritsEurope has been speaking with craft distillers across Europe about various topics including inflation, digital labels and complying with EU regulation.

According to spiritsEUROPE, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across the continents have had to manage various setbacks from the Covid-19 pandemic as well as “numerous challenges” such as trade disruptions, supply-chain issues and inflationary pressures.

Hoping to bridge the gap between craft distillers and policy-making, spiritsEUROPE will be using the #SpiritsVoices campaign to highlight the difference that “fair regulation and adequate support” from both the EU and national Governments could make.

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The association met with three distillers from Ireland, France, and Germany: Michael Clancy of Lough Ree Distillery, Christophe Dupic of Rozelieures, and Dr Thomas Lesniowski of Sauerländer Edelbrennerei. The three small business owners told spiritsEUROPE about the importance of innovation and sustainability, trade, taxation, and product labelling.

“Craft distillers are true innovators who play an important role in their local communities. Thanks to their high-quality products, they generate jobs and revenue,” said Ulrich Adam, Director General of spiritsEUROPE.

“Unfortunately, they are now having to deal with major inflation- and supply-chain-related challenges while operating under complex regulatory environments often marked by red tape and high taxes. SMEs are the backbone of the European economy.”

Looking at the association’s strategy to help struggling SMEs, Adam stated: “To unleash their full potential, we must find ways to alleviate current pressures and devise adequate policies to support them.”

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