
Taste is the top consideration for consumers

New survey shows that taste, texture and experience are most important to consumers when buying bakery, patisserie and chocolate goods.

A new report by Puratos UK has shown that the top consideration for today’s consumer across the bakery, patisserie and chocolate segments is taste. The experience and personalisation around food are also crucial and leading an ethical lifestyle is of growing importance.

The report, named Taste Tomorrow, is the world’s largest bakery, patisserie and chocolate consumer survey and questioned 17,478 consumers in 40 countries.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Freshness is the most important factor when buying bread, patisserie and pastry and taste was the most important for chocolate
  • 67 percent of respondents said traditional flavours appeal to them and 66% were interested in unusual and exotic tastes
  • 64 percent of consumers like to try food with different textures
  • Appearance is important, as consumers increasingly want to be wowed and share ‘Instagrammable’ foods on social media
  • 67 percent of respondents say that the experience offered around food is key
  • 44 percent of consumers say that food is personal and should be adapted from person to person
  • 56 percent of respondents limit plastic use
  • 46 percent of people look for sustainable products that respect the environment
  • 54 percent of respondents say that animal welfare is a priority
  • 27 percent of consumers buy locally on a weekly basis
  • 42 percent of people look for food for which farmers receive a fair price when shopping
  • 20 percent of the respondents buy vegan/vegetarian food on a weekly basis
  • 38 percent of respondents believe vegan food has a positive impact on the environment
  • 69 percent of consumers see plant-based products as a solution to prevent or solve food shortages.

“Our Taste Tomorrow 2019 report shows that taste, experience, personalisation and sustainability are key to today’s consumer,” said Vera Malhotra, Marketing Director at Puratos UK. “With people more open than ever to new and exciting flavours and textures, we hope the report helps inspire and guide businesses as they innovate to meet consumer demands in the next ten years.” 

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