
European soft drinks industry joins major glass recycling programme

Posted: 3 April 2020 | | No comments yet

The Close the Glass Loop platform has the objective to achieve a post-consumer glass container collection target of 90 percent, and to ensure that this is recycled into the container glass production loop to come back as a new packaging.

European soft drinks industry joins major glass recycling programme

UNESDA Soft Drinks Europe – representing the European soft drinks industry with members such as PepsiCo, The Coca-Cola Company, Danone and Red Bull  – has joined Close the Glass Loop – the major industry stewardship programme for glass packaging initiated by FEVE – The European Container Glass Federation. 

“We are proud to join the Close the Glass Loop platform. It is a strong initiative and a step in the right direction towards making Europe’s Economy Circular. Its objectives are in line with our theme of ‘Circularity works, let’s all give it a chance’, and we are glad to be involved in building its foundations,” said Nicholas Hodac, UNESDA Director General.

“By contributing to an increased collection and endless recycling of glass packaging we help to drive sustainability throughout our value chain. Recycled glass is essential for the container glass industry. It means a more resource-efficient production process and more sustainable glass packaging solutions for our member companies.”

The Close the Glass Loop initiative aims to unite the container glass value chain under a multi-stakeholder European programme but also crucially to support national level action plans. UNESDA’s company and national soft drink association members will cooperate with national glass value chains across Europe to improve the collection and recycling of glass packaging.

“We are delighted to have UNESDA’s support and collaboration to reach the full potential of our Circular Economy model predicated on the endless recycling possibilities of glass. Soft drinks are a key customer for our industry and are frontline in persuading consumers to recycle more and better together,” stated Adeline Farrelly, FEVE Secretary General. “The collaboration with UNESDA members is a key milestone in our pathway to 90 percent collection target and towards a climate-neutral glass packaging industry.”

All consumer goods industries are being called upon by the European Commission to collect, recycle and reuse packaging. Each country will need to achieve the 2030 recycling targets fixed by the recently reviewed Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. For glass, it is 75 percent by 2030.

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