
World Macadamia Organisation (WMO) launched

Posted: 17 September 2021 | | No comments yet

The newly-formed WMO incudes membership from some of the world’s largest macadamia-producing countries, including Australia, South Africa and the US state of Hawaii.


The newly formed World Macadamia Organisation (WMO) has officially launched and incorporated in Singapore, with a mandate to drive demand by “creating a greater understanding and appreciation of this understated wholefood.”

The WMO claims industry data and global supply forecasts show the supply of macadamia nut-in-shell will double by 2025, and possibly triple by 2030, to over 600,000 megatons. To ensure that demand meets supply, whilst still retaining the macadamia’s premium positioning, the WMO has been charged with stimulating growth, and helping to solidify the long-term foundations for a strong, sustainable market.

“The WMO is an independent not-for-profit and is the global champion of the macadamia industry. We will position macadamias in the areas of health, luxury and natural goodness – where healthy meets luxury in a natural way – and align with consumer trends towards mindful eating,” said Jillian Laing, founding CEO of the WMO.

“Never has there been a more critical time than now, for the global macadamia industry to come together to share knowledge, ideas and inspiration. We will be stronger and more resilient working with each other to grow awareness of, and demand for this incredible product,” added Larry McHugh, interim Chair of the WMO Board,

The WMO says member nations are eligible to have representatives on the Members’ Council, which will meet at least twice a year.  The first virtual meeting will be in October, and the first physical meeting is planned to align with the meeting of the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council in Dubai in May 2022. To date, seven of the world’s largest macadamia producing nations have confirmed their membership including Australia, Guatemala, Hawaii, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Vietnam.  

The body says its initial aims is to build demand in three key areas; develop the emerging Indian market, grow frequency of consumption in China, and strengthen positioning demand in the rapidly developing plant-based diet industry.  

The WMO will facilitate health research, collect insightful industry data, and create alignment in global product standards. 

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