
Five common mistakes when setting a new healthy habit – and how to fix them

Posted: 3 October 2022 | | No comments yet

Stevi Portz, from health and food product company Truvani, suggests steps to take to achieve and maintain health goals.

Truvani health goals

Ah, goal setting: a cyclical process we find ourselves revisiting every year come the first of January, or maybe every month, or indeed day for some.

Setting goals, especially those related to health, is a great way to motivate and keep ourselves on track. But what happens when we find ourselves setting and missing goals time and time again? The reasons could be simple mistakes we don’t realise we’re making.

The following are five common mistakes you might be making when setting a new goal, and how to fix them.

Mistake #1: Setting goals for the wrong reason

 The most important part of setting a goal is ensuring that it is truly something you want. If you only want to break a habit or build a new one based on the opinions or expectations of others, it won’t be sustainable.

Pro tip: Invest time in keeping a journal and write about what is actually important to you. When your goals or efforts come from a place of authenticity, you’ll be far more likely to stick to them and enjoy the process.

Mistake #2: Setting too many goals at once

Some days, it may seem possible to work out, eat clean at every mealtime, get eight hours of sleep every night, and drink the right amount of water all at once…but eventually, you burn out.

Pro tip: Identify a single goal that you can work up to, alongside one to three smaller, practical goals that seem manageable. This will allow you to stay focused without being overwhelmed.

For example, if you are looking to improve your sleep, try Truvani Magnesium for a good night’s rest. 

Mistake #3: Setting goals that are too vague

Goals that are not somehow measurable or specific can fade into the background. Setting a goal to have more energy this year is great, but what does that mean?

What does having more energy look like to you? What does more energy allow you to do that you currently can’t?

Pro tip: Tie specific examples to your resolutions so you put purpose behind your actions. For example, “I want to have more energy so I can play with my kids at the weekend,” or “I want to have more energy so I can get to the gym after work.”

protein powder balls

Truvani Plant-Based Protein Powder

Setting smaller goals to help your habit, or in this instance increase energy, will make the change more practical. For example, you could commit to eight hours of sleep every night by not keeping your phone in your bedroom.

For those who are looking to amp up your energy, try Truvani Protein + Energy, a blend of plant-based protein with adaptogens, caffeine and MCT oil.

Mistake #4: Diving in at the deep end

Some of our goals can often be clouded by tunnel vision. Losing a certain amount of weight or building a new habit takes time. If you don’t take the proper steps to meet your goals, you might easily become frustrated and give up.

Pro tip: Write down your end goal and work backwards to specify the smaller goals or habits you need to get there. This will give you tangible steps and milestones to meet! For example, instead of saying “I’m going to eat healthier,” set a specific, smaller goal such as “I’m going to replace my afternoon snack with a protein bliss ball Monday through Friday.”

For a delicious, satiating snack or breakfast, try Truvani Plant-Based Protein Powder.

Mistake #5: Giving up too easily

Ever been on a diet, accidentally caved into a cookie and said, “I’ve already messed up, guess I’ll just give up now”? We all have…

Setbacks are an important part of creating a new habit, like exercising a muscle. It is important to practice and normalise getting back on track after a slight mistake. If you always give up, you will never achieve your goal.

Pro tip: Be patient with yourself and just keep going.

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