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Whitepaper: Optimising food safety through good cleaning tool maintenance

Posted: 13 June 2018 | | No comments yet

Cleaning is a critical step in the management of food safety and quality. Consequently, the correct maintenance of cleaning tools by the food industry is essential to minimise the risk of microbial, allergen, and foreign body cross-contamination…

This, in turn, aids compliance to relevant regulatory and legal requirements, HACCP prerequisite programs, and audit standards. Additionally, this process can have many other benefits including:

  • improving the effectiveness and efficiency of cleaning, thus reducing the downtime required to clean
  • improving food safety, quality and shelf-life
  • reducing waste
  • minimising the risk of product recalls
  • protecting/improving the reputation and income of the food business
  • minimising the risk of prosecution
  • associated cost reductions

The importance of good cleaning tools maintenance is recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and reflected in their approval of Global food safety schemes, including the British Retail Consortium (BRC); and the Food Safety System Certification (FSSC), which now contain sections specifically related to this.

This White Paper provides useful information and advice on the maintenance of manual cleaning tools for use in food processing and service industries, in order to aid compliance with Global food safety schemes and help hygiene staff optimise their cleaning efficacy and equipment control.


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