
Health claims regulation is top challenge for nutrition companies, survey shows

Posted: 27 March 2017 | New Food | No comments yet

Nutrition companies view stricter EU regulation as a greater challenge than the state of the global economy, new research has shown.


Nutrition companies view stricter EU regulation as a greater challenge than the state of the global economy, new research has shown.


Meanwhile, Brexit is not widely expected to have a major impact on the European nutrition industry.

The organisers of Vitafoods Europe surveyed 190 visitors and exhibitors to the event, which takes place between 9-11 May 2017, Palexpo, Geneva.*When asked to consider the three biggest challenges facing their company, 43% named stricter regulation, while 35% were concerned about higher prices for raw materials and 27% cited the state of the global economy.

Six in ten (60%) said health claims was the main area of EU regulation affecting their companies, ahead of trade regulations (14%) and labelling regulations (13%).Almost nine in ten (87%) considered it important that a nutrition ingredient or product is associated with an EFSA-approved health claim.

A quarter (24%) of respondents considered the current EU regulatory environment to be unhelpful to their companies, although significantly more (37%) considered it helpful.

The findings come as the organisers of Vitafoods Europe announce a new resource to help companies navigate the regulatory maze. Visitors with any questions about regulation or certification will be able to have a one-to-one consultation with experts in the new Advice Centre.

Meanwhile, the UK’s decision to leave the EU did not rank highly as a concern for respondents. When asked what impact they thought Brexit would have on the European nutrition industry, 36% said it would have no impact, 32% said they didn’t know, 22% said it would be either very negative or fairly negative; and 10% said it would be either very positive or fairly positive.

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Lindsey Bagley, BA, CSci, FIFST, Flavour Horizons – Lifting the lid on the clean label trend

Vitafoods 2017

To get in touch with a representative from New Food at Vitafoods 2017, click here.

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