
FSA to launch edible insect consultation

Posted: 14 July 2022 | | 1 comment

The FSA will conduct an insect protein consultation, with brands being asked to submit applications before December 2023 in order to stay on shop shelves.

insect protein

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has set out plans to allow edible insects to remain on the market while they go through the Novel Foods authorisation process to assess their safety.

The plans are detailed in a public consultation which the UK health authority has launched this week, with the FSA reportedly keen to bring forward the necessary legal changes as soon as possible depending on the responses received.

“Our proposals will help businesses that have been affected by the uncertainty around insects for human consumption since the end of December 2020,” said FSA Policy Director, Rebecca Sudworth.

“When we left the EU, the transitional measures relating to novel foods including edible insects were not amended to require businesses to submit applications to Great British regulators.

“Edible insect products will need to pass through the full authorisation process in Great Britain to remain on the market, so we encourage businesses to talk to us about getting their applications in and the support we can provide through the process. 

“We want anyone with an interest in edible insects, particularly trade organisations and food businesses, to have their voice heard through our consultation.”

In August 2021, the FSA issued a letter which stated that the transitional measures ended on 2 January 2020. The FSA has now confirmed this was incorrect and has clarified with local authorities that the transitional provision continues to apply in Great Britain. 

The proposals set out today would allow edible insects to remain on sale if they were marketed in the EU or the UK before 1 January 2018 and were the subject of an application to the EU for authorisation as a novel food by 1 January 2019.

Applications for authorisation of these insects must be made to the FSA or Food Standards Scotland (FSS) by 31 December 2023 for the product to remain on the market while the application is assessed. 

The two food safety authorities have conducted a generalised risk assessment to support the consultation, and have found that the safety risks associated with edible insect products are low, provided appropriate measures are in place. These include hygiene measures during rearing of the insects to avoid contamination, heat treatment, and labelling on allergy risks.

FSA research shows that consumers in the UK have an increased interest and demand for healthy, sustainable diets, with a focus on meat alternatives, and that more than one quarter (26 percent) of UK consumers would be willing to try eating edible insects – with environmental concerns or sustainability the most common reasons.

“Our sector has been farming insects and developing exciting, innovative new food products in the UK for many years and the sector only continues to grow,” said Dr Nick Rousseau.

“Research from our members’ extensive trials and user testing show that edible insect products, when professionally farmed and manufactured, offer the environmentally concerned consumer nutritious, tasty, and safe food products that can meet a significant proportion of their protein needs.  

“The support of the FSA will make a huge difference to our ability to prove ourselves in the market.”  

One response to “FSA to launch edible insect consultation”

  1. Tiziana says:

    We’ve just been in meetings with the FSA. They confirmed that for the time being, and until edible insects are formally approved in GB, they will continue to be considered as unauthorised. Even with the retraction of their earlier mistake, and the reintroduction of EU transitional measures, nothing will change for the foreseeable future for GB businesses. We are still left in limbo. We think the FSA’s latest communication has confused the press and public opinion; no genuine steps taken to allow businesses to safely trade. Even if the FSA will not be proactively enforcing closures, we are left with the problem; unauthorised products cannot be covered by liability insurance, food certification schemes will not certify us etc. etc.
    We ask for the FSA/FSS to reclassify edible insects as Non Traditional but Not Novel, which is the same approach taken by many countries outside of the EU, like
    for example Australia, New Zealand Canada and more. Our recommendations concerning the consultation can be found on our blog (Horizon Insects)

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