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Food Safety Summit Preview

9 March 2015 | By Food Safety Summit

The Food Safety Summit Conference and Expo is returning to Baltimore, USA from 28-30 April this year, promising an all-new ‘dynamic, informative and thought provoking educational program’...

International Association for Food Protection’s (IAFP) European Symposium on Food Safety

9 March 2015 | By International Association for Food Protection

Since 2005, the International Association for Food Protection’s (IAFP) European Symposium on Food Safety has been shaping the future of food safety by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas with colleagues from across Europe working in industry, government and academia. This well-known food safety conference in Europe draws…

Eco-friendly fat crystallisation

9 March 2015 | By Geoff Talbot; Helga Manson; Krish Bhaggan

In this era of ever more rapid throughput in food processes, maximising aspects such as crystallisation are of major importance. In fat-based products it is not always as easy as simply cooling the product a bit more and hoping that it will speed things up sufficiently because many fats supercool…

Getting a grip on water holding capacity

9 March 2015 | By Ruud van der Sman, Food & Biobased Research

In the design of food products which are high in protein or fibre, it is important for their various properties to control how much water is held by the food material. This water holding capacity (WHC) relates to many sensory, health, nutritional and convenience properties.

Science-based precision processing for future healthy, structured and tasty fruit and vegetable-based foods

9 March 2015 | By Ann Van Loey, Professor, Laboratory of Food Technology, KU Leuven

Because of their health-promoting properties, including the decreased risk of chronic diseases, such as arteriosclerosis and certain types of cancer, a daily consumption of 600g of fruit and vegetables is recommended by the WHO and the European Commission. Despite the wealth of scientific evidence for this recommendation, this criterion is…

Chocolate Processing supplement 2014

6 January 2015 | By

In this Chocolate Processing supplement we take a look at Chocolate conching and the caramel taste of milk chocolates, plus the use of aeration to create smooth, light chocolate...

Dairy Processing supplement 2014

6 January 2015 | By

In this Dairy Processing supplement we take a look at the shelf life and stability of dairy products, and how water reuse and saving represents a new frontier in food manufacturing...

Hygienic processing for the baking industry

23 December 2014 | By Bolletje

With a heritage dating back almost 150 years, Dutch family bakery Bolletje launched in the city of Almelo in 1867 and by 1927 had become one of the largest rusk-making factories in Holland. In today’s market, with sales based throughout Europe and more than 500 employees, Bolletje is one of…

Efficient loading and unloading of a food cold store

23 December 2014 | By Kostadin Fikiin and Detelin Markov, University of Sofia

The efficiency of a cold store depends not only on the type and performance of its refrigeration system, the building properties and climatic conditions, but it is also strongly affected by the cold store functioning in terms of its internal and interface (storage-transport) logistics operations.

Partially hydrogenated oils: A blessing and a curse

23 December 2014 | By Chad Gray, R&D Food Technologist – Lipids Division, Kerry

A new food era was born in America on 8 November 2013, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made a tentative announcement that the presence of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) in food and beverage offerings will no longer be ‘generally recognised as safe’.

Quaternary ammonium compound maximum residue levels

23 December 2014 | By John Holah, Jim Taylour and Steven Ackers Holchem Laboratories Ltd

In Europe, disinfectants (biocides) used in the food industry are controlled by a range of legislation, but two are key in determining the level of disinfectant that can be taken up by foodstuffs after the disinfectant’s legitimate use. Regulation (EC) No 396/20051 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or…

Mass spectrometry for determining food contamination

23 December 2014 | By Angela Calder, Senior Scientist, Leatherhead Food Research

One of the constant headaches of the food industry is the issue of contamination. This may be as the result of contaminants in the environment or deliberate tampering of food products; the underhand practice of food adulteration is a threat wherever costs can be cut. To identify such deliberate contamination…

Issue #5 2014 – Digital edition

30 October 2014 | By

In this issue: Beverage Processing, Food Fraud, Contaminants, Microbiology, High Pressure Processing, Listeria, Extrusion, Viscosity, Chocolate Processing, plus much more...