
Quality control of milk and dairy products at the speed of light

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20 November 2019

Supported by:

20 November 2019

Milk itself has a short shelf life but its products like e.g. milk powders enabled the development of a global dairy industry. Today, billions of people around the world consume milk and dairy products on a daily basis. Also – in addition to the ever-growing population – new nutritional trends are emerging, e.g. protein-enriched dairy products which create a high request for protein sources. These are today often met by products, that were not utilized to their full extent before, including whey and milk protein powders.

Still, high-quality milk products can only be produced from high-quality raw milk, so a close quality control along the milk processing chain is vital – from the intake at the dairy plant, to the various processing steps, and the end products.

Solutions for quality control of dairy products

During the webinar, we focus on the analysis of compositional characteristics, including like fat, solid and protein contents by infrared and near infrared spectroscopy (IR and FT-NIR), but also show other solutions from the Bruker portfolio.

We highlight what Bruker as a leading analytical company offers in terms of tailor-made solutions for the dairy industry – from small, touch screen accessible, analyzers up to fully automated in-process systems for closed loop control. Also, the different approaches of analyzing dairy products by either IR or FT-NIR spectroscopy will be illustrated.

How Fonterra implemented FT-NIR in their daily routine

Fonterra has a long history of NIR use. Having progressed from individual NIRs with site and product specific calibrations to NIR networks sharing generic calibrations across many NIR instruments, Fonterra knows of the key success factors of such networks. Steve Holroyd will highlight the key points which are NIR stability over time and reliability as well as an appropriate networking solution to link it all together.

Latest IDF activities regarding quality control

Steve Holroyd and Andreas Niemöller, both project leaders inside the IDF (International Dairy Foundation), will highlight the news regarding guidelines for applying near infrared instrumentation to the analysis of milk and dairy products in the lab and in process.

Currently the ISO21543|IDF201 is in the final stage of being updated to cover more types of milk products including raw milk and liquid products. The corresponding IDF bulletin paper (IDF bulletin 497) will be presented, which provides for the first time a comprehensive overview of NIR routine applications and their statistics.

Key Learning Points

  • Discover Bruker’s portfolio of analytical solutions for the dairy industry.
  • Learn how IR and FT-NIR can be utilized for the analysis of milk and dairy products in the lab as well as online.
  • See how Fonterra implemented FT-NIR spectroscopy in their daily routine analysis.
  • Get latest insights in the work of the IDF (International Dairy Foundation) and hear about the details of the “IDF bulletin 497” describing the analysis of NIR for routine dairy applications.

Who should attend?

The webinar appeals to anybody involved in quality control of milk and dairy products in the laboratory or production floor. It will also relevant to people working in the food industry using dairy based raw materials in their production process.


Dr Steve Holroyd is a Technical Manager within Fonterra’s New Technology Development team. His current responsibilities include leadership of research and delivery of data and information science,

He has 25 years’ experience in the implementation of infrared analytical spectroscopy in oil & gas, pharmaceutical and food applications, with over 40 publications in peer reviewed journals and is the author of three book chapters.

On behalf of New Zealand, he is involved with a variety of analytical standards development organizations globally including the International Dairy Federation (IDF), International Standards Organization (ISO), AOAC International and US Pharmacopeia (USP). He is currently the chair of the IDF Methods Standing Steering Group. Steve has a PhD in chemistry from University of Auckland (NZ) and post-doctoral experience at Cambridge University (UK).


Dr Andreas Niemöller is the manager of Bruker Optics’ “Food Analysis Solutions” business unit with worldwide responsibility for the Food, Feed and Agriculture markets, mainly for FT-NIR

As an analytical chemist, he started to work with NIR and chemometrics already during his diploma and PhD thesis. Since the last 19 years at Bruker Optics he worked in sales for different industries including process applications and has supported software and hardware development at Bruker.

In addition to his manager role, he is involved in projects for the development of analytical standards including the International Dairy Federation (IDF), International Standards Organisation (ISO) and AOAC International.

One response to “Quality control of milk and dairy products at the speed of light”

  1. milklab says:

    nice info thanks for your valuable blog

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