
Video: What is QuEChERS?

Posted: 23 January 2020 | | No comments yet

Here we show you the two steps of the QuEChERS method: the extraction of your analytes of interest using extraction salts, followed by the cleanup of your supernatant using dSPE.

QuEChERS is a sample preparation technique that vastly simplifies the analysis of pesticide residues. It’s quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe. In this video, we’ll show you the two primary steps of the QuEChERS method: the extraction of your analytes of interest using extraction salts, followed by the cleanup of your supernatant using dSPE. Let’s get started!

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    Supplementary material

    QuEChERS Made Even Easier: Comprehensive Solutions Simplify Sample Prep and AnalysisREAD NOW


     Fast, Simple QuEChERS Extraction and Cleanup of Pesticide Residue Samples


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