
Seminar to discuss HFSS reduction targets in the UK

Posted: 30 July 2019 | | No comments yet

A seminar to discuss the priorities for meeting high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) reduction targets in the UK will take place in October.

The ‘High Fat, Sugar and Salt Policy in the UK – Progress and Impact, New Initiatives, and the Future Regulatory Framework’ seminar is due to take place on 10 October 2019 in London and will discuss the priorities for meeting high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) reduction targets in the UK.

Organised by Westminster Forum Projects, the seminar will aim to bring out the latest thinking on the practical challenges of product reformulation and discuss reducing HFSS content of popular products whilst engaging with consumers and overcoming cost barriers to reformulation.

Delegates will also be able to discuss options and the possible scope of further government intervention and voluntary agreements.

Attendees will further consider the role of broadcasters, media and marketing and the future of HFSS advertisement regulation – with the UK Nutrient Profiling Model review expected shortly that will determine which products are considered unhealthy.

Delegates can also assess the practicalities involved in regulating in-store product placement and promotional offers and the wider role of retailers in promoting healthy choices – as well as what more should be done to improve the nutritional content of own-brand ranges and products made in-store.

Further sessions will look at local initiatives for boosting community awareness of HFSS, and include case studies from those who have developed healthy eating partnerships and strategies as well as those who have developed innovative planning processes, powers and advertising restrictions.

The seminar will also look at what can be learnt from initiatives such as Scotland’s diet and healthy weight plan – which includes proposals to develop a code of practice with local authorities, transport and media for HFSS advertising restriction – and the impact of the London Food Strategy which included a plan to ban junk food advertisements on the Transport for London network.

For more information on the speakers and sessions, visit the seminar’s website.

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