
British Food and Drink federation ‘heartened’ by Labour party priorities

Posted: 2 October 2017 | | No comments yet

Labour’s annual party conference certainly garnered a lot of media and public interest last week. One of those listening closely was the head of Britain’s Food and Drink Federation.


RED SEA: Brighton Kemptown is one of Labour's few South Eastern seats.

The Director General of the FDF has said his organisation were ‘heartened’ by Labour’s outlook at its party conference last week.

Speaking about the Oppositions annual conference which took place last week in Brighton, Ian Wright expressed satisfaction at the priorities it had set.

He said: “FDF is heartened by Labour’s focus this week on the importance a new industrial strategy can play in boosting prosperity across the country. We look forward to continuing our constructive discussions with the shadow Defra and BEIS teams.

“As the UK’s largest manufacturing sector, food and drink is ideally placed to spread growth and jobs in every constituency. A sector deal which enables us to build skills, boost exports and innovation will equip UK food and drink to compete on a global scale.

“As we discussed at our joint fringe with the NFU on Monday, it is welcome to hear the Opposition’s support for those EU citizens already here in the UK to stay. They are a valued part of our workforce. Our businesses need time to prepare and plan for a new UK-EU relationship, and a proper transition phase is vital so we can continue to give consumers the quality, choice and value they rightly expect.”

Tonight (October 2) at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, FDF will be hosting joint panel event with the NFU.

‘What Next for Food and Farming After Brexit’ will take place from 6pm to 7:30pm at Manchester Town Hall and will be chaired by The Grocer’s Managing Editor Julia Glotz. Panellists include the DEFRA Secretary Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Managing Director of Wyke Farms Richard Clothier, NFU President Meurig Raymond, and FDF Director General Ian Wright.

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