
Brits beat more than 800 million eggs as baking craze quantified

Posted: 3 June 2021 | | No comments yet

With more of us than ever picking up a whisk over the past 12 months, Alzheimer’s Society is calling for budding bakers to take part in its annual Cupcake Day to raise money for the charity.

baking by numbers

With lockdowns across the world preventing us from doing the things we love, many have turned to baking as a pastime. New data from Alzheimer’s Society, ahead of the charity’s Cupcake Day on 17 June, has revealed just how popular baking has become. According to the charity, the UK population has whisked, stirred, and beaten a total of 822 million eggs and 128 tonnes of sugar, butter, and flour (42.5 tonnes of each ingredient) in the past 12 months.1

The survey is supported by new shopper and market data from market research firm IRI, that shows a 15 percent increase in cake mixes sold, with over 300 million sold in the last year alone.2

Generation ‘Z’ (16–24-year-olds) is front and centre of the baking boom, spending an average of more than 5.5 hours a month in the kitchen since the beginning of March 2020, around two hours more than before March 2020.

“Seeing so many of the younger generation pick up baking is so lovely. Baking can do so much good for the soul, and the stomach, it’s wonderful to know so many of us have turned this past year into something positive by dusting off our aprons and whipping out our whisks,” said celebrity chef Rosemary Shrager.

“I’m looking forward to seeing a feast-worthy spread of lovely new recipes this Alzheimer’s Society Cupcake Day, and it couldn’t be for a better cause. Coronavirus has hit people with dementia the hardest – anything you can do to help raise some badly-needed funds will make a difference.”

The Alzheimer’s Society claims 38 million have turned their hand to baking in the last year, with more than a fifth (22 percent) baking a cake for the first time. In the past 12 months, the UK population has baked an estimated 158 million batches of cupcakes and 126 million cakes.

Brits have spent an average of over £8.4 billion over the past year on baking essentials and items, with just under three in ten (29 percent) spending money to swot up on baking advice, like cookbooks, subscriptions, and tutorials. Nearly a fifth of respondents (18 percent) also admitted to spending over £9 on ingredients for one standard size cake, the equivalent of a sixth (16 percent) of the average cost of a weekly family food shop.3 In the past 12 months, the average budding baker spent £44 on cake tins and dishes, £52.50 on cake stands, £52 on aprons and £57 on baking advice.

“We have already seen in the last year that for many, commuting has been replaced with cooking. With more time at home together, it seems that baking has become both a family activity and a way to entertain the children,” added Jaime Silvester, Head of Retail at IRI UK.

“The home baking category saw significant growth in line with lockdowns and especially among families with either babies or teens. As society reopens and we move to a more ‘normal’ way of life, the temporary enthusiasm for home baking appears to have waned, but when the novelty of getting out wears off, we may be tempted back to baking again.”

With over a third (35 percent) of respondents agreeing that their baking skills have significantly improved and nearly half (46 percent) agreeing to continue baking as much as they do now in the future, Alzheimer’s Society is calling on first time give-it-a-goers and proud professionals to keep the baking craze alive by taking part in Cupcake Day, to raise funds for people affected by dementia.


  1. Based on basic cupcake and basic Victoria Sponge recipes.
  2. IRI Market Advantage IRI All Outlets GB 52 w/e 08 May, 21
  3. Based on ONS figures, with an average weekly food shop costing £56.60

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