
Study demonstrates safety of 3-Fucosyllactose as a nutritional ingredient

Posted: 26 February 2020 | | No comments yet

A recent Dupont safety assessment of the biotechnologically produced human milk oligosaccharide 3-Fucosyllactose (3-FL) has demonstrated the safe use for food and dietary supplements in infants.

Study demonstrates safety of 3-Fucosyllactose as a nutritional ingredient

Continuing its research on human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences (DuPont) has published the results of its safety assessment on the biotechnologically produced 3-Fucolsyllactose (3-FL) HMO.

3-FL is one of over 130 HMOs currently identified in human milk. These complex carbohydrates are indigestible and therefore function as a prebiotic by promoting early microbial colonisation of the gut. This, in turn, provides benefits related to immunity, digestion and potentially cognitive health – benefits that begin in infancy but have a lifelong impact on human health.

This new safety study is said to support past research which indicated that commercially produced HMOs can mimic some of the health-promoting effects of the HMOs present in human milk.

To investigate safety of this new ingredient for early life nutrition, 3-FL was produced by fermentation and then assessed for acute oral toxicity, in vitro and in vivo of genetic toxicity, and included a sub chronic rodent feeding study.

The results showed that subchronic dietary exposure of rats to 3-FL did not produce any statistical or biologically relevant differences in growth, food intake or efficiency, clinical observations, or clinical or anatomic pathology changes. The weight of evidence from these studies aims to support the safe use of 3-FL produced using biotechnology as a nutritional ingredient in foods and dietary supplements.

“A robust safety assessment has been completed for 3-FL demonstrating the safe use as a nutritional ingredient in foods,” stated Ratna Mukherjea, Ph.D., Technical Fellow and Global R&D Leader for Human Milk Oligosaccharides. “We continue to innovate in early life nutrition by providing ingredients such as HMOs and probiotics to support good nutrition in the First 1,000 Days.”

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