
Have you ‘herd’? Millennials love dairy products

Results from Dairy UK and AHDB’s marketing campaign have once again shown a rise in young people choosing to buy dairy products.

New research has found that 11 percent more young parents reported they were certain to buy dairy products.

The research, following the end of the second year of Dairy UK and Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) consumer marketing campaign, also showed a success in ‘reducing the reducers’, showing an 8 percent fall in the number of people cutting their dairy consumption now or planning to in future, along with an 11 percent reduction in intention to consume plant-based substitutes.

“We’re thrilled that for the second year running the campaign has delivered such strong results,” said Dr Judith Bryans, Chief Executive, Dairy UK.

We’ve shown dairy is absolutely a relevant category to millennials, and how our products add taste and enjoyment to their daily lives.”

The campaign first launched in 2017 and aims to remind young consumers of their love of dairy, focusing on taste and enjoyment. Specifically targeting 20- to 35-year-old parents, the promotional activity used the spoof organisation ‘The Department of Dairy Related Scrumptious Affairs’ to create and share ‘dairy moments’, reminding them of how dairy makes life better.

Following a successful marketing campaign, research from Dairy UK and AHDB showed a rise in young people choosing to buy dairy products.

“We knew dairy was being overlooked as a category so it’s fantastic to see that people are responding positively to the campaign and reigniting their love of dairy,” added Rebecca Miah, Head of Dairy Marketing, AHDB.

The campaign ran between March and May this year and featured videos on social media and on-demand TV, digital outdoor billboards throughout London and cinema advertising. They were seen by 23.8 million people on social media, 7.1 million on catch-up TV, 8.1 million in the cinema and 13.5 million on billboards.

Farmers have also been promoting the campaign locally by ordering branded posters, banners, re-useable coffee cups and car stickers for use on-farm and at local events.

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