
Scottish food crime hotline launches

Posted: 26 August 2016 | Stephanie Anthony, Editor New Food | No comments yet

FSS and Crimestoppers have launched a Food Crime Hotline to give members of the public and industry a route to report suspicions of food crime…

Food Standards Scotland (FSS) and independent charity Crimestoppers have launched a free Scottish Food Crime Hotline to give members of the public and industry a dedicated telephone line to report anonymously any suspicions of food crime confidential

The new free hotline number – 0800 028 7926 – will be operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There will also be an option to report concerns via a non-traceable online form. The initiative will allow FSS’s Scottish Food Crime and Incidents Unit (SFCIU) to gather vital intelligence to target those involved in criminal activities, which cost the UK food and drink industry an estimated £1.17bn* annually.

Food crime is defined as any deliberate manipulation, substitution, mislabelling or instance of fraud in relation to food. It is a serious issue for the sector and this new partnership with Crimestoppers will offer consumers a trusted platform to report any concerns of wrongdoing in relation to food and drink. Information provided will be used to help FSS and other enforcement agencies identify and where necessary, prosecute criminals who are defrauding and potentially endangering consumers.    

The launch of the free hotline and online form is a key milestone in the development of the SFCIU, which was established in response to the 2013 report from the then Minister for Public Health following the horsemeat incident. The Unit was launched in October 2015 with a remit of improving Scotland’s capability and capacity to combat food crime through improved intelligence, investigation resources and partnership working with the Police and other enforcement agencies. 

Geoff Ogle, Chief Executive, Food Standards Scotland, said: “Consumers have a right to know that the food they are buying and eating is both safe and authentic. Food crime is damaging for the public and the industry, eroding trust and value.

“The launch of the free Scottish Food Crime Hotline is one of a number of steps FSS is taking to address the problem in Scotland. We hope it will raise awareness of the issue of food crime and give consumers a trusted point of contact to report concerns in complete anonymity. 

“The intelligence we receive will be invaluable in advancing our work with Police Scotland and other agencies to hold to account those who put consumer safety at risk for financial gain.”

Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister for Public Health and Sport, said: “Scotland is known the world over for the quality of its food and drink. Safeguarding the integrity of our supply chain is essential to ensure consumers have absolute trust in the products they buy and that our reputation as a Land of Food & Drink is protected.

“This initiative is a practical and powerful way to tackle the problem of food crime. I would encourage both consumers and industry to make use of the hotline or online reporting form to anonymously share any concerns and help us stamp out fraudulent practices.”

Mark Hallas OBE, Chief Executive of independent charity Crimestoppers, said: “We are delighted to be working with FSS to bring our experience to bear on an issue which is having a serious impact on both consumers and industry. The free hotline and online form will provide a simple and trusted way  for individuals to report any concerns, large or small, and, like the services we provide to other enforcement agencies, will help gather vital intelligence to crack down on food crime.”

Ricky Mason, Detective Chief Superintendent, Police Scotland, said:  “We are fully supportive of the launch of the new free hotline. Food crime is a serious issue and a collaborative approach with FSS, other enforcement agencies and the charity Crimestoppers will enable us to identify and deal with offenders as swiftly and effectively as possible. By sharing any information they have with us, members of the public and those who work in the sector can help us identify and intercept criminal activity.”

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