
Featured article: Un-Pea-lievable

Posted: 26 October 2020 | , | No comments yet

How innovative analytical technologies are helping to drive innovation in the pulse- and pea-based ingredients market.

The global demand for new, innovative food products is growing. Modern consumers are increasingly seeking existing foods that are budget‑friendly, healthy, and fulfil their demands for quality and texture. To meet the rapidly changing nature of the sector, food development pipelines must evolve and provide novel food types utilising pulse-based ingredients.

Compared to previous food trends, today’s consumers seek more than a quickly produced product that meets their need for guilty pleasures. The industry must learn from the shortfalls of previous trends such as the former gluten-free food movement. During this period, many of the first gluten‑free products to market exhibited poor mouthfeel and flavour, leading to reduced consumer confidence in such novel food items.

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