
5 main areas which contribute to supplying food safety services to customers around the globe

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4 June 2019

Supported by:

4 June 2019

The business of contract testing labs in terms of feed and food contaminants is driven by five main topics which at the end contribute to a real positive growth of this niche market.

These topics are:

1) Of course regulations oblige goods producers to deliver safe products to the market and to the population. These regulations can be very different from country to country and require adaptations from third-party laboratories. But at the end of the day, regulation requirements are increasing worldwide due to social media pressure.

2) These type of analysis require tremendous investments (GC/MS/MS, UPLC/MS/MS etc.) but also to manage daily high-level human competences. That’s why goods producers prefer to subcontract with external laboratories and the trend is to clearly outsource with contaminants, even the other classical parameters.

3) Safety is clearly a key point for feed and food producers. Their markets are worldwide and very challenging. In order to avoid safety issues besides classical business issues, the leaders prefer to outsource their expensive analysis to transfer safety responsibilities to their suppliers. Leaders are doing more than the simple regulation requirements they clearly control and are testing more to avoid sanitary crises.

4) In previous years, subcontracted laboratories discussed with R&D, quality or production managers. Now these labs negotiate worldwide with buyers and volumes are higher but requirements remain the same. This means that the pressure on prices are higher but volumes are also very interesting and allows labs to neutralise fixed costs.

5) This market of contaminants analysis is also driven by innovation and automatisation. Due to the pressure on prices and concentration of labs, third-party labs need to offer better services (online results, samples collection, advice etc.) and homogeneous services worldwide (roughness of results, same uncertainty anywhere, same release time etc.).

During this webinar, we examine these five main topics which drive the bioanalysis market.


Keynote Speaker

Claude Charreteur, Business Development, Upscience

Global manager of labs and business developer for labs activity for Neovia. Within Neovia, we have 20 sites of analysis production for internal and external customers. The ratio today for internal / external is 30 % / 70 %. I’m in charge of developing the network of labs, harmonized methods and share best practices and last but not least imagine some new analysis & services for our customers

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