
GMO Labelling Requirements: A deep dive into GMO detection using RTi PCR Methods

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13 March 2019

Supported by:

13 March 2019

While international food trade is growing worldwide, the authorities in each country are setting more and more regulations to ensure food safety and transparency for consumers. Across the world Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) labelling is regulated in many countries. The United States will be joining the rest of world with GMO labelling regulation starting January 2020. This new regulation supports American consumers who are requesting more transparency and traceability on food-manufactured products.  

With the expansion of GMO crops globally, new regulatory requirements and consumer demand for choice and transparency, increases the need for reliable GMO testing. This requires a solution that can screen, identify and quantify GMO crops to ensure a proper control to provide accurate results to meet regulation, labelling and consumer expectations.

Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most recognised tool for detection of GMO DNA sequences and recommended by Codex Alimentarious, ISO & EU reference laboratory for GM food and feed.

This webinar highlights the evolving world of GMO’s and a 3 step testing strategy using real-time PCR techniques to meet labelling regulations.

  1. Qualitative screening method to determine the potential for the sample to contain GMO.
  2. Additional testing to identify the GMO’s in the sample.
  3. For GMO’s identified, that have a tolerable limit Quantitative real-time PCR is utilised to determine the GMO % present.


What you will learn:

  • Background on GMO’s and where they can be found today
  • An overview on worldwide GMO labelling regulation and various GMO crops
  • Update on the new U.S. standard for GMO labelling published on Dec 20th 2018
  • Highlight the strategy using real-time PCR methods for GMO management
  • Limitations in real-time PCR methods
  • Observations and challenges when screening raw materials and finished products.


Keynote Speaker

Daniel Smieszek, Analytical Expert in Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Nestlé

Daniel holds a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Molecular Genetics from The Ohio State University. He has over 15 years’ experience in various roles for analytical food testing laboratories. Current role focused on new method implementation and technical support for Nestlé Quality Assurance Center. He has been with Nestlé for the past 5 years with a focus on GMO for the past 3 years.

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