
Coffee consumption in the UK

Posted: 9 February 2016 | | No comments yet

Gimoka Coffee UK has pulled together some stats about the world’s most popular beverage to produce an infographic on coffee consumption in the UK…

With over 400 billion cups consumed every year, coffee is by far the most popular drink in the world.

On average, Britons consume only 1.7 kg of coffee per year – one of the lowest amounts in Europe. As example, in 2013, Britons spent £730 million on coffee.

Top 5 Coffee Consuming Countries (per capita):

  1. Finland – 9.6 kg
  2. Norway – 7.2 kg
  3. Netherlands – 6.7 kg
  4. Slovenia – 6.1 kg
  5. Austria – 5.5 kg

Gimoka has found that people in UK drink 70 million cups of coffee per day, compared to 165 million cups of tea. Average British male coffee drinker drinks 13 cups per week, while average British female coffee drinker drinks 11.

In 2012, the UK market for coffee at home was worth more than £1bn annually, and it continues to grow. When buying coffee for drinking at home, 77% of Brits buy instant coffee. Comparison: Italy 1%, France 4%, USA 7%.  In 2014 5.06 million people in UK used at least 4 cups of instant coffee per day, while 2.81 million people used instant latte.

Find out more about coffee consumption in the UK in Gimoka Coffee UK’s infographic:

Coffee in the UK


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