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NovelQ’s contribution to a wide application of novel processing technologies

30 June 2010 | By Huug de Vries, Project Coordinator, NovelQ

New Food editor Helen Difford spoke with NovelQ Project Coordinator Huug de Vries about the EU-funded integrated project. After five years, the project is drawing to a close and our October issue of New Food will incorporate the NovelQ project findings and what it means for the industry.

Partnership with fishing industry proves a winner

30 June 2010 | By Toyota Material Handling

The harsh working environment of Norway’s fish production industry means that forklift trucks must be built to the highest order to survive and thrive. Enter Toyota Material Handling Norway. Strictly speaking, Fjordlaks Aqua AS (Fjordlaks means ‘Fjord Salmon’ in Norwegian) should not really be called Fjordlaks at all. It neither…

-2°C to -12°C, not chilled but not frozen

1 June 2010 | By Christian James, Research Fellow, Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre (FRPERC) and Stephen J. James, Director, Food Refrigeration and Process Engineering Research Centre (FRPERC)

The drive to maximise the storage and display lives of perishable foods has led to increasing interest in holding foods in the region between their freezing point and -12°C. This is a grey area in terms of much international legislation, since food is not usually considered fully ‘frozen' until it…

Five measures for sustainable, financially sound processing

1 June 2010 | By Dr Peter de Jong, Arjan van Asselt, Dr Martijn Fox & Dr Coen Akkerman, NIZO Food Research

In the food industry, it is possible to use new breakthrough technologies to create a more sustainable production process combined with a substantial decrease of production costs. However, the development of these technologies requires a significant investment of time and money. The latter, in particular, is difficult to secure these…

Using LC-MS to study the fate of food ingredients in the human body

12 May 2010 | By Christian H. Grün & Hans-Gerd Janssen, Unilever Research and Development, Advanced Measurement & Data Modelling

The human body is designed for effectively extracting nutrients from the food we eat. The nutrients provide the body with energy, but in addition, they also provide the building blocks for cell growth. More recently, it has also been realised that specific food ingredients can be associated with a direct…

Safety assessment of industrial strains, starters and probiotics

12 May 2010 | By François Bourdichon, Food Safety Centre, Danone Corporate

Probiotics are used to bring health benefits to consumers through foods and are defined as "live micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host[Ref 18]." Commercialised all around the world since the early 1920's, mostly focused on Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera, in the last…

Foreign body detection and identification

12 May 2010 | By Dr. Mike Edwards, Microscopy Section, Campden BRI

Consumer complaints regarding foreign bodies are a constant problem for virtually all food companies, and so their prevention and control should be high on the list for all Quality and Technical Managers. The effective management of prevention and control of foreign bodies requires attention to many parts of the business,…

The future of food safety starts with hygienic design

12 May 2010 | By Joe Stout, Consultant (formerly Director of Product Protection & Hygienic Design, Kraft Foods)

In the media recently, we have heard a barrage of information that is most certainly bad news. We hear about earthquakes, national debt, war, real estate foreclosures and unfortunately, it seems that there is always some news about food safety recalls associated with allergens or pathogens which have sickened or…

High-Pressure and Pulsed Electric Field: What do the consumers think?

12 May 2010 | By Nina Veflen Olsen (Nofima Mat) and Anne-Mette Sonne (MAPP)

New products and processing techniques are continuously being developed within the food industry. While food scientists may focus on the technical novelty and applaud the progress of science, consumers are often more conservative and sceptical about changes. From earlier experiences with gene modification and irradiation, we have learnt that advantages…

Can the sensory quality of chicken meat be improved?

12 May 2010 | By Renate Thieme and Steve Ladbrook, MICRO-PLUS GmbH

The digestarom poultry concept has been proven worldwide to advantageously influence the performance parameters and, therefore, the profitability of chicken meat production. Small scale institute evaluations have demonstrated improvements to carcass composition and this information is available. It was this latter finding that led to professional taste panel studies on…

Salt reduction and the consumer perspective

12 May 2010 | By Johanneke Busch, Gerda Feunekes, Beatrijs Hauer and Wilma den Hoed, Unilever R&D Vlaardingen

In recent years, scientific studies have shown that salt intake can cause high blood pressure and associated heart diseases. Conversely, there is clear evidence that significant reductions of salt intake lead to large reductions in blood pressure, heart diseases and strokes1. Other important risk factors for these cardiovascular diseases are…

Legal necessity or an essential tool for improving profits?

12 May 2010 | By Kathryn Anne-Marie Donnelly, Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research - Nofima

Traceability is gaining importance in order to satisfy legal, consumer and supply chain demands. Traceability of seafood is now recognised as being of particular importance due to the harvesting of wild fish. The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research (Nofima) covers all food sectors and links in the…

Energy reduction by high dry matter concentration and drying

12 May 2010 | By Martijn Fox, Coen Akkerman, Han Straatsma and Peter de Jong, NIZO food research

Most of the powder products available on the market are produced using a spray drying process. Drying processes are known to be the most energy consuming processes used in the food industry. For example, the Dutch dairy industry required 1.4 PJ for drying its whey and milk powder in 2007.…

The food sector and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A 10 year overview

22 February 2010 | By Adrian J. Charlton, Food and Environment Research Agency, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

For many years, NMR spectroscopy was largely overlooked by the food industry. Maybe this was understandable. The instruments were expensive, the skills required to operate them could at best be described as specialist and there wasn't a broad understanding of the way in which the technology could be applied within…