
Video: Applications in Focus – Food Integrity

Posted: 25 February 2016 | Ocean Optics | No comments yet

Ocean Optics discuss applications of miniature, modular reflectance spectroscopy for Food Integrity using a dual channel Vis-NIR system including the new ultra-compact Flame-NIR spectrometer…

Video: Applications in Focus - Food Integrity - Ocean Optics

Watch the video below where Ocean Optics discuss applications of miniature, modular reflectance spectroscopy for Food Integrity using a dual channel Vis-NIR system including the new ultra-compact Flame-NIR spectrometer.

UV-Vis and NIR spectroscopy are a powerful part of the toolkit for non-destructive, rapid screening of food throughout the supply chain. Visit Ocean Optics at Food Integrity 2016 (Prague April 6-7) or download the Ocean Optics Food Integrity brochure today for more information.



Tagged with: Ocean Optics, Food Fraud, Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR)

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