
Keep Your Cookies Crunchy with the ‘Moisture in Cookies’ Expert Package

Posted: 24 May 2018 | | No comments yet

For years, METTLER TOLEDO has supported manufacturers get that ‘signature crunch’ into their cookies with fast and accurate moisture analysis.

Now, the Expert Package ‘Moisture in Cookies’ reveals how these manufacturers ensure great cookie quality, how they avoid overpaying for raw materials, and how lean manufacturing is supported.

Greifensee, Switzerland – 24 May 2018 – Reliable moisture control in cookie production promotes quality, preserves profits and boosts operational efficiency.

Fast and precise moisture control in cookie production is key to quality and profits.

METTLER TOLEDO halogen moisture analyzers perform the same analysis as the drying oven reference method (ICC Method 110/1 and AACC Method 44-1.02). However, moisture analyzers typically require less than 10 minutes compared to 2-4 hours with the drying oven. This time gain improves the manufacturer’s ability to accurately control the moisture content throughout the baking process, with a positive impact on both quality (crispness, consistency) and profits.

Learn how leading cookie manufacturers keep their cookies and profits crunchy by downloading the METTLER TOLEDO Expert Package ‘Moisture in Cookies’.

In this free, downloadable Expert Package, you will find:

  • Case Study: ‘Cookie Quality: A Recipe for Success’. Learn how a biscuit manufacturing giant applies moisture analysis to ensure consistent quality, promote operational efficiency and improve profits.
  • Application Note: ‘Measuring Moisture in Cookies’. This document demonstrates how METTLER TOLEDO halogen moisture analyzers advance productivity by delivering fast and precise moisture results.
  • Food Method Collection: Get started quickly with METTLER TOELDO’s collection of drying methods for 20 of the most common food ingredients and products.

To learn more about how halogen moisture analyzers can help you produce delectable biscuits that keep customers happy and demand high, download the METTLER TOLEDO Expert Package’ ‘Moisture in Cookies’ today.

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