
Free Food Guide: Define Optimal Moisture Methods by Sample Type

Posted: 24 May 2018 | | No comments yet

Moisture affects the processability, shelf life, usability and quality of many food products, making accurate moisture analysis in food production vital. Using the right method is the key to reliable results. A new guide from METTLER TOLEDO featuring more than 20 moisture methods provides valuable advice, so you can quickly identify optimal methods and obtain the most accurate results.

Moisture Methods collection: The guide, which details drying methods for 20 common food ingredients.

Greifensee, Switzerland— 24 May 2018—Historically, drying ovens have been used for loss-on-drying (LOD) reference method tests in the food industry. However, while accurate, the process is slow and labour-intensive, taking up to 4 hours per sample. Newer technologies such as halogen moisture analyzers (HMA) can perform the same function in just 5-15 minutes and have begun to replace drying ovens in day-to-day quality control efforts.

However, the challenge to food manufacturers remains validating the HMA method to show results are comparable with drying ovens. Determining the right method for a particular sample can take quite some time. Transferring the method from the drying oven to the HMA may also present its own set of challenges.

To help food manufacturers overcome these challenges and obtain the benefits of HMA’s speed and accuracy, METTLER TOLEDO has developed the Food Industry: Moisture Methods collection. The guide, which details drying methods for 20 common food ingredients, gives food manufacturers an effective starting point and expert guidance, helping them to develop appropriate test methods faster for shorter time-to-market and consistent ongoing quality.

In practice, the guide lists each ingredient and provides information on developing an optimal moisture method. It then explains how sample preparation is best accomplished and compares results from the moisture analyzer with the ones from the drying oven to assist with validation. Using the right method guarantees that the result is correct so that only products with the right moisture content are released.

The advantage for the supplier is sustainable, cost-effective product quality control. Consumers also benefit from higher quality products.
To learn more about establishing optimal moisture methods that support quick, reliable sample processing and heightened product quality, download the free guide today.

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