
NFU Scotland comment on General Election announcement

Posted: 18 April 2017 | | No comments yet

New Food brings you the reaction from the National Farmers’ Union Scotland.


UK Prime Minister Theresa May today announced a surprise General Election proposal. New Food brings you the reaction from the National Farmers’ Union Scotland.

NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick said:  “Today’s announcement paves the way for a second General Election in as many years. For Scottish farmers, crofters and food producers looking for certainty and confidence in an uncertain, Brexit-dominated landscape, this announcement will only add to mounting questions about the future.

“Clearly, this election will be fought on one overarching issue – Brexit. It is absolutely vital that the significant interests of the agricultural industry are heard properly in this election campaign given our clear interest in the Brexit negotiations.

“The manifesto process will allow every party the opportunity to flesh out exactly what they want from the Brexit process.  It is vital that they take the opportunity to clearly state what their vision is for agriculture and food production in the post-Brexit era. NFUS will seek to influence and scrutinise those manifestos and, despite the relatively short timetable between now and the election, we will pull together our own document reiterating our priorities for Scottish farmers and crofters.

“As in previous elections and referendum campaigns, we will do all we can to ensure our members are provided with the information they need in order to make an informed decision on Thursday 8 June and that includes our intention to hold a national hustings event in the run up to the vote.” 

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