
UK Food & Drink Federation statement on the triggering of Article 50

Posted: 29 March 2017 | Food Drink Federation | No comments yet

The official UK FDF statement on the triggering of Article 50…

article 50

The official UK FDF statement on the triggering of Article 50.

Ian Wright CBE FDF Director General:

“The triggering of Article 50 provides us with a definitive timeframe for the UK to exit the EU and the clock is ticking. We hope this means we can move swiftly from the realm of speculation into one where real issues are being resolved.

“The results of the negotiation will have lasting implications – for our people, businesses and economy. Food is at the heart of our culture, identity and security. It is vital that the Government prioritises food and drink.

“FDF on behalf of manufacturers, alongside our partners across the food chain, will work tirelessly to help government to secure the best possible outcomes on future trade, access to the right workforce, regulation and ensuring a seamless border with the Republic of Ireland.”

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