
Move over meat, it’s time to eat edible insects

Posted: 15 February 2017 | New Food | 1 comment

Do edible insects present a viable solution to dwindling resources and global sustainability…?


As the human population continues to grow, it is increasingly important to moderate our consumption of the Earth’s dwindling resources.


According to the FAO report, livestock production accounts for 70% of all agricultural land and 30% of the planet’s total surface area. By 2050 the world’s population will rise to 9 billion (FAO report) which means that in order to satisfy demand for the world’s meat consumption we will need to double protein production. It is time to seek more sustainable, alternative forms of protein.

One possible solution exists all around us in many a form and variation: insects.

Insects, although small, offer a high level and far more sustainable form of protein. It is estimated that insects already form part of the diets of at least 2 billion people worldwide (FAO report). Undemanding of water and nutrients, insect farming requires very few raw materials in comparison to animal farming which heavily demands large amounts of land and high levels of raw materials. 

We are able to eat between 80 and 100% of insects bred whereas we only eat 40-60% of cows and others livestock. Insects have a high food conversion rate, for instance crickets need six times less feed than cattle, four times less than sheep, and twice less than pigs and chickens to produce the same amount of protein.

Co-founders of Jimini’s, Bastien and Clément, spotting the health and environmental benefits of insect consumption, made it their mission to integrate insects into the diets of Europeans as well as educate and inform shoppers of this sustainable and, thanks to them, tasty alternative source of protein.  

In addition to obvious environmental plusses, eating insects also has recognised health benefits. Jimini’s edible insects contain high quality protein and calcium with levels comparable to beef and milk. Its ground cricket flour, which is the base of their protein bars, contains 63% protein, more iron than spinach and more calcium than milk.

One response to “Move over meat, it’s time to eat edible insects”

  1. Kathy Robert says:

    It will be difficult to make consumers eat insects themselves. But there are so many great products availabe now! I tried some cricket pasta ( I find it easier to have the insects in an actual dish as for example in cricket pasta rather than the insect itself. Also I know how to prepare pasta but i do not really know how crickets themselves should be prepared to make them tasty. Cannot wait to see more products like this on the shelves of our supermarkets!

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