
Neogen develops immunoaffinity column for deoxynivalenol

Posted: 11 July 2009 | Neogen Europe | No comments yet

Neogen Europe Ltd. announced the introduction of a new immunoaffinity column for the analysis of deoxynivalenol (DON, vomitoxin) in a range of foods by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ELISA, GC-MS and other analytical methods.

Neogen Europe Ltd. announced the introduction of a new immunoaffinity column for the analysis of deoxynivalenol (DON, vomitoxin) in a range of foods by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ELISA, GC-MS and other analytical methods.

Neogen’s new NeoColumn™ DON

Neogen’s new NeoColumn™ DON

Neogen’s new NeoColumn™ DON, which was developed by Neogen Europe, has been proven effective on a variety of spiked and other naturally contaminated matrices, including wheat, durum wheat, corn flour, ground maize, maize kernels and beer.

NeoColumn DON adds to the comprehensive line of mycotoxin testing products offered by Neogen, including proven immunoaffinity columns for the analysis of zearalenone, ochratoxin A, and aflatoxin in a range of sample types by HPLC.

“We are pleased to now offer NeoColumn DON, and add to the most complete line of quality mycotoxin testing products available from any single source,” said Dr. Stephen Holmes, Neogen Europe’s managing director. “Extensive evaluation work proved that NeoColumn DON recovers the mycotoxin from both low and highly contaminated reference maize with high accuracy and precision. External work by an accredited commercial laboratory has echoed our internal findings, and shown excellent reproducibility and recoveries of DON from certified reference matrices by NeoColumn DON.”

Neogen Europe, recent winners of the Queens Award for Excellence for International Trade, offers a range of mycotoxin test kits that are used by the cereal, nut, dried fruit and spice industries, brewing and malting companies and food sectors, including poultry, dairy and fish.