
Featured article: The determination of pre-formed NOC in foods

Posted: 17 October 2019 |

Dr Colin Hamlet discusses the results of a study that identified constituent amounts of N-nitroso compounds in a range of foods and process available to the UK’s retail market.

Research has shown that N-nitroso compounds (NOC) can be carcinogenic and genotoxic, making them a hot topic in the world of food quality and safety. N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a highly potent carcinogen, commonly detected in foods and often used as an indicator compound for nitrosamines. While it is advisable to reduce the intake of pre-formed NOC in our diets, exposure to NOC can naturally occur through everyday life according to lifestyle and workplace environments, as well as via endogenous formation from dietary precursors such as nitrite, amines and amides.

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