
Cannabis Testing

Posted: 4 January 2020 | , | No comments yet

In-house prepared water as an alternative to bottled HPLC-grade water. By Dwain Irvan* and Klaus Schöne

In many testing laboratories, bottled HPLC-grade water is the standard when performing quantitative potency analysis for cannabinoids like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (cannabidiol). In-house produced water, on the other hand, may be qualitatively equivalent and also a more cost-effective alternative.

The objective of this study was to determine if aqueous mobile phase preparations using in-house purified Type 1 water (prepared with Sartorius’s arium® Water Purification System) yielded qualitatively comparable results to those from purchased HPLC-grade bottled water.

We analysed cannabis samples from mobile phase preparations using each source of water. Additionally, we analysed a blank matrix specimen using homogenised nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), both with and without cannabinoid spikes, using designated mobile phases for each water type, to assess any specimen effects from the water.  

The results indicate that water types and sources did not affect specimen quantitation.

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