
15th Anniversary Supplement

Posted: 8 November 2012 | Albert Zwijgers / Lilia Ahrné / Petra Wissenburg / Supriya Varma | No comments yet

This free to view 15th Anniversary Supplement is sponsored by

15 Anniversary supplement New Food

Zeiss, Bühler, Sartorius, Ocean Optics, Armfield, Thermo Scientific, Büchi and NDC Infrared Engineering:

  • “But it still needs to be made …”
    Albert Zwijgers – Innovation Agent Food and Health, Food & Nutrition Delta, Professor of Technology and Ingredients, University of Applied Sciences HAS Den Bosch
  • Tailored food processing for better food quality
    Lilia Ahrné – Director, Department for Process and Technology Development, SIK
  • The evolution of product quality testing in food manufacturing
    Petra Wissenburg – Corporate Quality Projects Director and Head of the Global Laboratory Center, Danone
  • Advancements in the area of food chemistry
    Supriya Varma – Scientist, Frito-Lay (PepsiCo)

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