acticool. – the active spiral cooler for the bakery industry: ultrapure climate for optimum product result
23 October 2012 | By Heinen
The bakery industry makes extremely high demands on issues like process safety...
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23 October 2012 | By Heinen
The bakery industry makes extremely high demands on issues like process safety...
23 October 2012 | By EFSA
The EFSA has published its annual update report on acrylamide levels in food in 25 European countries...
23 October 2012 | By Mondelez International Inc
Siewert brings extensive global consumer expertise to role...
22 October 2012 | By SABMiller
SABMiller announces that Norman Adami will be promoted to the new role of Chairman, SABMiller Beverages South Africa with effect from 7 January 2013...
22 October 2012 | By PepsiCo, Inc.
PepsiCo and Suntory Holdings Limited have announced an agreement to form a strategic alliance in Vietnam...
22 October 2012 | By IAFP
The FAO and the IAFP have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding...
22 October 2012 | By Tintometer
Solving the issues when measuring food, powders, cosmetics and pastes...
18 October 2012 | By
All four Haas brands exhibited at IBA 2012, Munich September 16-21...
18 October 2012 | By Zeppelin Reimelt GmbH
At the iba in Munich, Zeppelin Reimelt was presenting itself as a system supplier...
18 October 2012 | By Arla Foods
Arla Foods Ingredients unveils Nutrilac® Calculator at IBA 2012...
18 October 2012 | By Arla Foods
Cake manufacturers could save more than €1 million a year...
18 October 2012 | By Sandvik Surface Solutions
The Sandvik QuickCleaner is an innovative new cleaning system with a range of applications across the food industry.
18 October 2012 | By SABMiller
SABMiller plc provides an update on trading during the six months ended 30 September 2012...
18 October 2012 | By General Mills
Ken Powell addresses food insecurity at World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue...
18 October 2012 | By EFSA
Members of the European Food Safety Authority’s Management Board have elected a new chair and two vice-chairs...