
Fairtrace online platform empowers producers and nurtures business trust

Posted: 4 July 2017 | | No comments yet

After more than a year of intense preparations, Flocert’s new online platform was launched on Monday, 3 July, 2017.


“Fairtrace” will enable supply chain actors, whether producers or retail, to verify volume and financial flows and connect and communicate with each other. It also enables direct collaboration by giving business partners the possibility to work together on reporting and confirming transactions. Thus “Fairtrace”, which will be serving over 3,500 Fairtrade customers in the future, creates a new level of transparency and assurance in global trade.

“Fairtrace” distinctly advances producers’ positions in their supply chains. Says Rüdiger Meyer, Flocert’s CEO: “Our mission is to empower producers. “Fairtrace” enables producers to have an overview on the payments they should receive from their business partners. They also affirm whenever they have received these payments. This increases producers’ standing in the supply chain and puts them in greater financial control.”

With the development of the online platform, Flocert also aims to meet a growing demand of consumers, the general public and governments in regards to product origin and product sourcing. “Actors in global trade are pushing to know where their products come from and whether they were sourced in a sustainable way,” explains Rüdiger Meyer. “Based on our experience in ethical verification and our history as Fairtrade’s certifier, our innovative software enables trust and transparency within supply chains.”

Especially in the food and textile industries, brands increasingly have to mitigate the risk of being associated with unethical practices in their supply chains. For risk management, they require relevant and timely information about commodities being passed through supply chains and knowledge on the specific actors. By working with “virtual handshakes” between supply chain partners, i.e. with second party verification, “Fairtrace” creates transparency and trust throughout the whole supply chain, enables direct communication and stronger relations between the business partners.

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