
Sanpellegrino announces new bottled water smart factory

Posted: 11 December 2015 | Victoria White | No comments yet

Sanpellegrino Group, part of Nestlé Waters, has announced a new industrial project in Castrocielo, Italy, for the production of Nestlé Vera (Naturae) mineral water…

Sanpellegrino Group, part of Nestlé Waters, has announced a new industrial project in Castrocielo, Italy, for the production of Nestlé Vera (Naturae) mineral water.


With an investment of 16 million euros, the plant will bottle Nestlé Vera Naturae mineral water, completing the Group’s multisourcing project in Italy. This is the third Naturae source in Italy. Nestlé Vera has a source in San Giorgio in Bosco and in Santo Stefano Quisquina.

Sanpellegrino says this approach makes possible to enhance the value of local water, offering to the local community new possibilities for economic development and sustainable growth. Furthermore, the strategic position of the three sources favours local distribution, helping to decrease road transport and thus environmental impact.

At operatin speed, the Castrocielo plant will produce 220 million litres in the first year, with clear margins of growth in the following years. In line with Nestlé’s commitments to environmental sustainability, the factory will only use green energy from renewable sources such as solar power. It will also incorporate LED lighting and systems for heat recovery and storage. All packaging materials used will be recyclable.

Sanpellegrino intends to bring innovation to the bottled water segment

“We are particularly proud of this new plant in Lazio,” stated Stefano Agostini, President and Managing Director of Sanpellegrino. “This investment proves once more the Group strategic interest in the mineral water segment, a real excellence for our Country. Mineral water bottling operations are not de-localisable, which is an important mark in the Italian food tradition and industry DNA.”

“With Castrocielo Plant” Agostini added “We intend to bring innovation to the segment, both for the production and distribution model we have proposed, and for our commitment to achieving a high level of (environmental) sustainability performance and positive impact on the local area.”

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