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Bran, bread and bubbles

21 November 2005 | By Grant M Campbell, Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, The University of Manchester

The greatest challenges facing the domestic chef or his/her industrial counterpart frequently concern the creation, retention and control of aerated structures in foods. Many food products – and most of the more high profile and attractive ones – derive their distinction and appeal from the incorporation and manipulation of bubbles:…

Standard for food safety management

21 November 2005 | By Jacob Færgemand, Project Leader, ISO 22000 working group

Food safety hazards may be introduced at any stage of the food chain and adequate control throughout the food chain is therefore essential. Thus, food safety is a joint responsibility that is principally assured through the combined efforts of all the parties participating in the food chain.

Tuning into ISO 22000

21 November 2005 | By Ellen Moens-Go Yanko, Office Manager, EHEDG

ISO 22000:2005, Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organisation in the food chain has just been published (October). This new international standard provides a harmonised framework for the implementation of a hazard analysis system to identify and control food safety hazards within any type of organisation dealing with…

A grand vision, realised

21 November 2005 | By Mandy Drabwell, New Food

Daniels Chilled Foods are a manufacturing company whose product ranges includes New Covent Garden Soup, Johnson’s Juice, Fruit All Fresh Salads, Sandwich Fillings and a B2B Ingredients business, with their own distribution arm to support the operation. Daniels’ customer base falls into three categories: food service, retail and export –…

Rotary jet heads for perfect tank cleaning

21 November 2005 | By Frank Moerman, Chairman, EHEDG Belgium

In part 2 of his article examining the selection of spraying systems, Frank Moerman gives an overview of the different rotary jet heads offered for sale on the world market. The article finishes with details on the positioning of the tank cleaning machine in the reactor/tank. Rotary jet heads are…

Why is microstructure important in food systems?

21 November 2005 | By Peter Edmondson, Cadbury Trebor Bassett Ltd

Traditionally the food industry’s aim has always been to produce safe, convenient, good quality foods in sufficient volume to feed a growing and prosperous population. In the past food processes have been designed using practical experience. This has involved the culmination of the knowledge of product quality requirements, such as…

Considering hygiene in food factories

21 November 2005 | By Mandy Drabwell, New Food

Well informed consumers demand the highest quality food, which means fresh, nutritious, safe products. It is in the manufacturers’ interest to ensure that their products reach consumers in perfect condition and that – at the very least – it is safe to consume. Of course, this feat requires careful attention…

Innovative packaging for UHT

21 November 2005 | By Paulo Bonometti, Technical Director, Centrale del Latte di Brescia Spa

In the field of food packaging it is particularly important to guarantee correct preservation of the product. This means that the food product, during its shelf life and prior to consumption, must retain its nutritional properties and organoleptic characteristics. Also, consumers prefer practical packaging. When considering liquid food, for example…

Detecting Salmonella antibodies in pork

21 November 2005 | By René Achterberg, Judith Maneschijn-Bonsing, Rinus Bloemraad, Manon Swanenburg and Kitty Maassen, Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, The Netherlands

Programs for monitoring Salmonella in the pork production chain have begun in several European countries. For an assay to be used in a monitoring program, it is a prerequisite that the total testing time per sample is short and that regeneration is optimal. In collaboration with a major pork producer…

Dealing with decontamination

21 November 2005 | By Christian James, Food Refrigeration Process Engineering Research Centre, University of Bristol

There is no terminal step (such as cooking) to eliminate pathogenic organisms from raw meat before it reaches the consumer. The consumer is relied upon to ‘adequately’ cook the meat so that any pathogens that may be present are killed. Many studies have shown that at the time of slaughter…

Bacterial tolerance – the consequences

21 November 2005 | By Even Heir and Solveig Langsrud, Matforsk AS, Norwegian Food Research Institute, Norway

Failure in cleaning and disinfection increases the ability of bacteria to survive, adapt and establish in food processing equipment or other environments, with the potential to transfer to food products. The antimicrobial effects of disinfectants depend upon several factors. This article focuses on the properties and mechanisms of bacteria involved…

Up to standard?

21 November 2005 | By Jacques Kastelein and Hilde Cnossen, TNO Quality of Life

In this, the final article resulting from the HYFOMA project, Jacques Kastelein and Hilde Cnossen of TNO outline the reasons why equipment certification is essential to the food industry. Need for hygienic design Good hygienic design of process equipment has a tremendous impact on diminishing the risks of contamination of…

Automating bacterial enumeration

21 November 2005 | By Roy Betts, Head of Microbiology, Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association

Quality indicator (QI) tests represent the large majority of routine tests currently performed by food microbiology laboratories. Although not necessarily pathogenic, indicator organisms, such as Total Plate Count, coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, yeasts and moulds can alter the appearance and taste of a product when present in large quantities. The…

Pasta: strength and structure

29 July 2005 | By Martin G. Scanlon, Nancy M. Edwards and Jim E. Dexter

Every year, in various educational institutions across the globe, students compete to design and build bridges made from spaghetti strands. In most competitions, the winner is that student team whose bridge can sustain the highest load (Johns Hopkins, 2005). Clearly some elaborate design work goes into the creation of these…

Adding to the mix

29 July 2005 | By Bogdan Dobraszczyk, Senior Research Fellow, School of Food Biosciences, University of Reading

Various ingredients have long been known to have a beneficial effect on baked loaf volume and texture. Ingredients such as fats and lipids, surfactants, oxidants and enzymes are frequently added to bread formulations to give improved product quality by giving better tolerance during processing; improving texture and volume; increasing shelf…