
The present and future of ultra-high pressure homogenisation

AZTI researchers tell New Food about the opportunities of an emerging technology and the work in progress to develop it for commercial use.

The present and future of ultra-high pressure homogenisation

Ultra-high pressure homogenisation (UHPH) is an emerging technology with potential application as an alternative to conventional thermal pasteurisation and/or sterilisation in pumpable foods, eg, milks, juices, sauces, etc. Beyond its application to improve the safety of these goods, the high magnitude of the applied forces can lead to other useful applications such as enzyme inactivation, physical stabilisation, texturisation, functionalisation of some ingredients, or the preservation and extraction of compounds of interest. The combination of all these applications, together with the advances on the scaling-up of this technology for industrial necessities, puts this tech in a promising competitive position.

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    One response to “The present and future of ultra-high pressure homogenisation”

    1. eben van tonder says:

      Im very interested in the application of this technology in the meat industry. Ive worked with similar systems for some time now and would love to contact a manufacturer of this equipment. My mail adres is ebenvt at (@)

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