
New Colony Counting Software and Validation Procedures from Synbiosis

Posted: 15 August 2008 | Synbiosys | No comments yet

Synbiosis, a world-leading manufacturer of automated microbiological systems, is delighted to announce the availability of new ProtoCOL software for automatic colony and inhibition zone analysis, as well as full validation information for its entire range of automated colony counters. The combined use of software and validation protocols will provide a vital link in the quality chain.

Synbiosis, a world-leading manufacturer of automated microbiological systems, is delighted to announce the availability of new ProtoCOL software for automatic colony and inhibition zone analysis, as well as full validation information for its entire range of automated colony counters. The combined use of software and validation protocols will provide a vital link in the quality chain.

Synbiosis, a world-leading manufacturer of automated microbiological systems, is delighted to announce the availability of new ProtoCOL software for automatic colony and inhibition zone analysis, as well as full validation information for its entire range of automated colony counters. The combined use of software and validation protocols will provide a vital link in the quality chain.

The new ProtoCOL software, integral to Synbiosis’ automated ProtoCOL colony counters and AutoZone zone sizing systems, has been extensively upgraded so that both image and written data generated by the software can be integrated into a 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 11 environment. Additionally, Synbiosis’ market leading ProtoCOL, AutoZone and åCOLyte systems, which have always been Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) compliant, now come with clear, detailed Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ) and Performance Qualification (PQ) procedures, making on-site validation of these systems a quick and easy task.

With food safety becoming an ever more important issue and with laboratory budgets being constantly squeezed, the ability of ProtoCOL to increase productivity and save time whilst still fitting into the tightest of quality systems, makes the instrument a valuable addition to any laboratory.

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