
FDF sends letter to PM setting out manufacturers’ key priorities

Posted: 14 July 2016 | Victoria White, Digital Content Producer | 1 comment

The FDF has sent a letter to PM Theresa May setting out food and drink manufacturers’ priorities for the negotiations on the UK’s relationship with the EU…

The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has sent an open letter to Prime Minister Theresa May setting out food and drink manufacturers’ key priorities for the negotiations on the UK’s new relationship with the EU.


The food and drink industry is the largest manufacturing industry in the UK, contributing more than £21 billion per annum in gross value added. In the letter, the FDF calls for urgent reassurance for the 100,000 EU nationals working in the sector. It also calls for continued market access to consumers across the 27 EU nations and to have advantageous trading arrangements. The FDF also asks for a clear roadmap on how the exit process will be managed to ensure continued confidence of consumers and industry. In addition, the FDF calls for urgent access to address the economic and currency volatility and asks for the proposed Apprenticeship Levy and Soft Drinks Levy to be placed on pause while uncertainty persists.

FDF manifesto

In a manifesto published today, ‘A New UK-EU Relationship – Priorities for the Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry‘, the FDF identifies the key short and longer-term actions that the sector requires if it is to remain competitive and successful.

On the publication of FDF’s manifesto, Director General Ian Wright CBE said: “Britain’s food and drink manufacturers are responsible for feeding millions each day. A healthy and secure food and drink industry is critical to our national community and economy. Today we set out priority actions for the new Government to help bring much needed stability and confidence back to the sector and wider UK economy. Our partnership with UK Government has never been more important to keeping food prices stable, protecting UK competitiveness and securing a skilled workforce for the future.”

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One response to “FDF sends letter to PM setting out manufacturers’ key priorities”

  1. Ute Cooper says:

    It is not only the food producers but also the packaging suppliers for the food which need urgent stability in both currency and market accessability. Most of our raw materials come from the EU and our manufacturing prices are rocketing due to the currency issues whereas our customers have and need to have long term stability in our pricing to them.

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