
Infographic: Europe’s fight against antimicrobial resistance

Posted: 18 November 2013 | European Food Safety Authority | 1 comment

In recognition of European Antibiotic Awareness Day on 18 November, EFSA has produced an infographic which highlights the issue of antimicrobial resistance and how EFSA is working with other EU agencies to combat the problem…

EFSA Antimicrobial Resistance Infographic

EFSA Antimicrobial Resistance Infographic

In recognition of European Antibiotic Awareness Day on 18 November, EFSA has produced an infographic which highlights the issue of antimicrobial resistance and how EFSA is working with other EU agencies to combat the problem.

In recent years, the overuse or misuse of antibiotics has been linked to the emergence and spread of micro-organisms which are resistant to them, rendering treatment ineffective and posing a serious risk to public health. To combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Europe, EFSA cooperates closely with other EU agencies such as the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the European Medicines Agency, particularly on infections that can be transmitted to humans from animals (zoonoses) and food.

Click on the image below to view a larger version of the infographic:

EFSA Antimicrobial Resistance Infographic

EFSA Antimicrobial Resistance Infographic

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One response to “Infographic: Europe’s fight against antimicrobial resistance”

  1. This issue is hugely important and so little known by the general public;
    in France in particular people are real addicts and still not fully aware of the harm they do to themselves by this abusive use of anti biotics;
    scaring them with “horror stories” might be a way to reach their gut feeling and to think twice….before opening another box .

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