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Still key to safety in processing

13 June 2008 | By Sarah Krol, Business Unit Manager, NSF International

Increasingly, food safety regulators worldwide are increasing the enforcement of safety and hygiene requirements at the processor level. In recent years, food contaminations occurring at processing facilities have heightened public concerns about widespread foodborne illness outbreaks resulting from a single contamination incident.

Maintaining quality

13 June 2008 | By Eduard Stempfel, Product Application Specialist, Team Leader R&D Services Bern, Shell Global Solutions

As food safety rises to the top of the agenda of food and beverage manufacturers, regulatory bodies and governments again and again, Eduard Stempfel, Shell’s Food Sector Product Application Specialist discusses the lubricants industry’s response to these trends for food grade lubricants and the need for the new ISO 21469…

Hygienic pump design

13 June 2008 | By Tadeusz Matuszek, Gdansk University of Technology

In this article, a glimpse of theory and basic information regarding the pump data assumptions, together with the hygienic features of its elements, has been considered. It has been stressed that the main criteria for the decision taken with respect to the practical application of the variety of hygienic pump…

Utilisation of durum wheat for yellow alkaline noodles

13 June 2008 | By David W. Hatcher and James E. Dexter, Canadian Grain Commission Grain Research Laboratory

Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) is a tetraploid wheat that is believed to have arisen from ancient emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) in the Mediterranean areas of Asia, Africa and Europe (Abdel-Aal et al, 1998) in approximately 300 B.C. Durum wheat has hard kernels and is usually milled into coarse flour,…

Small NMR in food innovation

13 June 2008 | By J. P. M. van Duynhoven, Gert-Jan W. Goudappel, Elena Trezza, Adrian M. Haiduc, Franck Duval, Wladyslaw P. Weglarz, Unilever Food and Health Research Institute, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands

NMR is a versatile tool for structural assessment of food materials and this pertains in particular for its benchtop and hand-held implementations. Such “small NMR” equipment can literally be deployed in all phases of foods innovation. This is illustrated by several industry examples.

A farm to fork approach to lower acrylamide in food

13 June 2008 | By Frédéric Mestdagh and Bruno De Meulenaer, Department of Food Safety and Food Quality, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Belgium

In 2002, Swedish researchers discovered that within certain foods, significant levels of acrylamide, a probable human carcinogen formed during heating processes such as frying, roasting or baking. Free asparagine and reducing sugars were indicated as the most important precursors. Over the past few years, significant progress has been made to…

GMO analysis: towards global harmonisation

13 June 2008 | By Maddalena Querci, Hermann Broll and Guy Van den Eede, European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, Biotechnology and GMOs Unit

GMO detection and analysis in its broader sense is an integral part of GMO development, breeding programmes and of subsequent seed verification programmes. It is applied in both the export and import of grain/agricultural products, for regulatory compliance of approved and unapproved events in different countries, for labelling requirements, quality…

NSF International’s food programs

13 June 2008 | By Sarah Krol, Business Unit Manager, NSF International and Greta Houlahan, Corporate Communications Manager, NSF International

Since its inception, NSF International has established itself as the company of standards – one that has been setting the bar in public health and safety for nearly 65 years. As a world leader in the testing and certification of products, NSF develops standards, tests products, certifies compliance as well…

Novel(Q) robotics to handle food – sensitive and hygienic grippers

13 June 2008 | By Anders Pettersson, SIK

In 2006, at the Institute for Food and Biotechnology, SIK, in Gothenburg, a research project was started as a part of NovelQ1. The focus of this project is to develop a robot workstation with high flexibility and hygiene that can handle soft, variable and fragile products; in other words, to…

Food processing contaminants: knowledge is key

13 June 2008 | By Richard H. Stadler and Viviane Theurillat, Nestlé Product Technology Centre, Switzerland

Food processing can be considered as a set of practices – using defined technologies and techniques, either individually or in combination, to transform raw foods / food ingredients into food ready for consumption. Some basic techniques of food processing are for example drying, curing, smoking, fermentation, canning, pasteurisation (by heat…

Texture improvement under pressure: fantasy or reality?

13 June 2008 | By Ans De Roeck, Daniel Ndaka Sila, Thomas Duvetter, Marc Hendrickx and Ann Van Loey, Laboratory of Food Technology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Today, consumers are demanding high quality, fresh tasting foods free from additives, microbiologically safe and with an extended shelf-life. The most commonly used preservation method has been thermal processing, such as pasteurisation and sterilisation. However, these processes entail considerable organoleptic and nutritional quality losses. Food scientists and the food industry…

Molecularly imprinted polymers for selective extraction of mycotoxins in food

28 February 2008 | By D. De Smet, S. De Saeger and C. Van Peteghem, Ghent University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Laboratory of Food Analysis, Belgium

This article highlights the possibility of using molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the selective extraction of mycotoxins in food, instead of immunoaffinity columns which are based on the binding of an analyte, to the corresponding antibody. An overview of MIPs, developed for mycotoxin analysis, will be presented.

Testing NIR Spectroscopy for drip loss prediction

28 February 2008 | By Marjeta Candek-Potokar, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia and Maja Prevolnik, University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture, Maribor, Slovenia

Meat quality has many different meanings. To some, quality refers to aspects of the carcass in respect to weight, fat cover and distribution, muscling/conformation and bruising. To others, quality refers to aspects such as chiller assessment attributes ie. meat colour, intermuscular fat colour and marbling. In pork, the attention of…

High pressure processing of foods

28 February 2008 | By Dallas G. Hoover, Ph.D., Department of Animal & Food Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

Foods such as guacamole, whole shell oysters, salsa, ready-to-eat meats, jams and jellies, salsa, chopped onions and peppers can be found in the global marketplace and are processed to some extent using high hydrostatic pressure. Essentially, this means the products have been submersed in water and then subjected to compression…