
Sensory Science supplement 2015

Posted: 30 June 2015 | New Food magazine | No comments yet

In this supplement: Sensory and analytical relationships in cocoa-based products; improving the sensory characteristics of whole wheat pasta; developing ASTM standards for sensory evaluation; and a preview of the 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium…

Sensory Science supplement 2015

This Sensory Science supplement is sponsored by HunterLab, The University of Nottingham, Ionicon, Camo, Perten, NDC Technologies and Konica Minolta.

  • Understanding sensory and analytical relationships in cocoa-based products
    Daniel Festring and Ramana Sundara, Nestlé Product Technology Centre, York, UK
    The distinctive flavour of cocoa or chocolate made from fermented and roasted cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) is familiar to everybody in the cocoa consuming world. The industry differentiates between cocoa processing and chocolate manufacturing. Cocoa processing covers the activity of converting the beans into nib, liquor, butter, cake and powder. Chocolate manufacturing covers the blending and refining of cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and various optional ingredients, such as milk and sugar…
  • Sensory aspects of whole wheat pasta
    Jayne E Bock, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph
    Ryan West, Department of Chemistry and Biology, Ryerson University
    Alessandra Marti, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota and Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan
    Given the proliferation of studies expounding the health benefits of whole grain consumption, consumers have increasingly demanded whole grain versions of many cereal-based products. Pasta has been a common food targeted by product developers for conversion to whole grain formats, especially whole wheat pasta, because of its simple formula and popularity with consumers. However, there are several sensory issues that become problematic with whole wheat pasta, and these issues have required further study to improve consumer acceptance and adoption…
  • ASTM and the evolving world of sensory science
    Lori Rothman, Section Manager – Consumer Science, Kraft Foods
    Across six conference rooms throughout the morning and afternoon, discussions are taking place. In some, the volume is quiet, with participants hunched over computer screens or paper documents, silently reading and editing. In others, the volume is more spirited with the meaning of ‘discussion’ stretched. While there is no shouting, different points of view are clearly in evidence, as participants attempt to convince each other of the soundness of their approach. As each discussion ends, the volume returns to normal; nothing is taken personally. The participants hurry away to their next discussion. This goes on for three days. It’s another ASTM International Committee E-18 meeting…
  • 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium
    SIK – The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology – is pleased to be hosting the 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Gothenburg, Sweden from 23-27 August 2015…
  • Q&A
    Lukas Märk, CEO of proton transfer reaction–mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) specialist IONICON, discusses how the technology has advanced the field of sensory science…

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