
Bio rational alternative for the control of Indian Meal moth launched

Posted: 27 April 2011 | Russell IPM | No comments yet

Russell IPM has launched bio rational alternative to Methyl bromide for the control of Indian Meal Moth in food processing and storage facilities…

Russell IPM has launched bio rational alternative to Methyl bromide for the control of Indian Meal Moth in food processing and storage facilities...

Russell IPM, a Wales based company has launched bio rational alternative to Methyl bromide for the control of Indian Meal Moth in food processing and storage facilities. The product which a breakthrough in the protection of food in factories processing Cereals, biscuit and chocolate have already receive the HSE approval in the UK for such application.

Dismate PE, a product based on the release of small quantity of the nature-identical insect pheromone capable of disrupting the communication between the male and female leading to failed mating and subsequent and gradual reduction in the pest population.

The launch of Dismate PE came after extensive tests and evaluation by leading cereal manufacturers in different countries to establish its long term viability as a reliable alternative to the now banned fumigation product Methyl Bromide.

Methyl Bromide has been known for its damaging effect on the Ozone layer. The International community has agreed to phasing out the use of Methyl Bromide and its eventual ban according to the Montreal protocol. Finding real alternative to Methyl bromide has been a challenge since.

Indian meal moth is a major problem in the production and storage of cereals and dry fruit. Other moths from the same family cause damage in other commodities such as the cocoa moth, and Tobacco moth, raisin moth. Dismate PE is effective on the whole Pyralidae family to which these pests belong to.

Russell IPM, a specialist company if the field of insect pheromones and other bio rational solutions for crop protection and public health has been active in the field of Integrated Pest Management over twenty years providing green solution in over thirty countries. In 2011 Russell IPM has received the Queen’s award for Enterprise

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