
Guarantee it’s antibiotic free with Randox Food Diagnostic’s Antibiotic Residue Screening

Posted: 9 December 2016 | Randox Food Diagnostics | No comments yet

Randox Food Diagnostics is proud to present a comprehensive screening range for the detection and quantification of antibiotic drug residues within food and animal samples, ideal for companies running an antibiotic free programme…

Randox Food Diagnostics is proud to present a comprehensive screening range for the detection and quantification of antibiotic drug residues within food and animal samples, ideal for companies running an antibiotic free programme.

The spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is happening at an alarming rate and antibiotic resistance fast becoming a global threat, meaning there has never been a more crucial time for antibiotic drug residue screening. These antibiotics play a vital part in maintaining human and animal health, however the same group of antibiotics are used therapeutically for both. This can lead to low levels of antibiotic exposure from consuming produce which contain residues of these compounds.

Antibiotics are administered to food producing animals as both a preventative and therapeutic measure to treat ill health, however these drugs can pass into animal produce if they have not been fully metabolised. In order to ensure an antibiotic has been fully metabolised, strict withdrawal periods must be adhered to. Low levels of antibiotics within animal produce are thought to add to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance. In order to prevent the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria, the use of antibiotics in agriculture and food production are tightly controlled.

Of the 41 antibiotics that are approved for use in food producing animals by the FDA, 31 are medically important for human health. Randox Food Diagnostics provides advanced screening solutions for 94% of these antibiotics including beta lactams, quinolones and tetracyclines, allowing you to ensure the integrity of your end product without compromising quality. Randox Food provides multiplex screening solutions validated across a range of matrices including urine, serum, tissue, milk, honey and feed.

The Evidence Investigator matched with Biochip Array Technology (BAT) provide the end user with fast, reliable results to aid in guaranteeing your produce is antibiotic free. BAT provides a platform for the simultaneous determination of multiple drug residues from a single sample using miniaturized immunoassays with implications in the reduction of sample/reagent consumption and an increase in the output of test results. The antimicrobial arrays used in conjunction with the analyser boast excellent limits of detection, matched with a simple sample preparation, to provide quantifiable results in as little as 2 hrs 30 minutes.

ELISA technology provides accurate, reliable results and boast high levels of sensitivity. Generic antibodies allow for the detection of multiple analytes, ensuring the highest levels of efficiency without affecting the sensitivity of the arrays.

With an industry tailored test menu, Randox food offers antibiotic residue screening solutions to strengthen consumer confidence and ensure food integrity on a global scale.  With 23 antimicrobial screening arrays available and the capability to detect of up to 15 antibiotic residues from a single sample, Randox Food provides the ultimate solution in antibiotic residue screening technology.

For further details on our antimicrobial screening arrays please contact [email protected] to speak to a Business Development Executive in your region.